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Social events 2025

All events held on a Monday at the Lytham Assembly Rooms (unless otherwise stated).

  • Entry £3:00  Includes tea and biscuits and a raffle
Speakers/Social Programme – 2025
DateTimeTopicPaul Little
March 10th14:30A year in the life of a Mayor’s Consort”Paul Little
April 14th14:30“Policing in the 1960’s”Eric Howarth
May 12th14:30The Chapman Lifeboat and her long and eventful journey to Lytham Lifeboat Museum”John Parr
June 9th14:30“Walking through Local History”Steve Garrill
September 8th14:00
Another in the series of the History of FY8” an illustrated talk

David Forshaw BEM
October 13th14:30“The World War diaries of George Carr subtitled - From the gardens of Lytham Hall to the Gardens of Babylon by his grandson CMC”Clive Marquis Carr
November 10th14:30“The Myths of Lytham”Dave Hoyle
December Christmas lunch 

Further details of all events will be published in the Group’s quarterly newsletter “The Antiquarian