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Social events 2025

Assembly rooms

Assembly rooms

Assembly rooms

Assembly rooms

All events are held on a Monday at the Lytham Assembly Rooms (unless otherwise stated). For those unable to manage the steps at the front there is disabled access via the back door which can be accessed via Bath Rd.

  • Entry £3:00  Includes tea and biscuits and a raffle. The refreshments will now be served between 14:00 & 14:30
Speakers/Social Programme – 2025
March 10th14:30A year in the life of a Mayor’s Consort”Paul Little
April 14th14:30“Policing in the 1960’s”Eric Howarth
May 12th14:30The Chapman Lifeboat and her long and eventful journey to Lytham Lifeboat Museum”John Parr
June 9th14:30“Walking through Local History”Steve Garrill
September 8th14:00
Another in the series of the History of FY8” an illustrated talk

David Forshaw BEM
October 13th14:30“The World War diaries of George Carr subtitled - From the gardens of Lytham Hall to the Gardens of Babylon by his grandson CMC”Clive Marquis Carr
November 10th14:30“The Myths of Lytham”Dave Hoyle
December Christmas lunch 

Further details of all events will be published in the Group’s quarterly newsletter “The Antiquarian